
Mehr über Projekt Brunnenhaus

But who are we actually?

... and how did we end up here in the forest?

Wir sind Basti und Jordis zwei Freunde, die sich in Asturien in einem Surf- und Klettercamp kennengelernt haben. Abends am Lagerfeuer haben wir schnell Pläne geschmiedet, damals hat Jordis einen Ort für ihre Yoga -und Acroyogakurse in Köln gesucht. Basti ist Bauingenieur, hat lange in Köln gewohnt und wollte helfen. Aus der Halle in Köln wurde dann im Wahnsinn des ersten Coronalockdowns ein Retreatcenter im Bergischen Land. Es hätte nicht besser kommen können.

projekt brunnenhaus

Projekt Brunnenhaus – der Umbau

Of course, such an old house always means a lot of work. We decided to renovate and modernize the well house ourselves. Of course, this is was only possible with the support of numerous helpers to whom we would like to express our sincere thanks. We have learned a lot (and are still learning), certainly not everything is perfect, but there is love and passion in the whole house. 

projekt brunnenhaus
projekt brunnenhaus
projekt brunnenhaus
projekt brunnenhaus

More about us



I am Basti. Civil engineer, carpenter and economist from Berlin.

Now that I've been dabbling in real estate for a few years and started my own engineering firm, I wondered how I could get out of my suit once in a while. I am Basti. Civil engineer, carpenter and economist from Berlin. 

So when Jordis wanted to open a retreat center, I said to myself - why not?


I'm Jordis. Former special education teacher and linguist, language learner, van traveler, dog lover, constant humming and ukulele playing life enthusiast who went from Yoga teacher to hostel mom and Yoga retreat owner overnight.

Before I decided to move into an old house in the middle of the forest, I was able to make numerous contacts around the world, which are now benefiting us. With our Brunnenhaus project I can finally bring together all my different passions and skills.

Would you like to get to know us and our project?

We are always happy to receive constructive feedback and new ideas.

Our values



We try to make our project as sustainable as possible, whether it's with our electricity, living resources, or our event offerings.


Our house is located in the middle of a nature reserve, deliberately we want to invite people to rediscover the connection with nature.


Our event offerings and our café are intended to create a place of encounter. We are open to people from different lifepaths and age groups.


A central pillar of our in-house offerings are based on holistic approaches to movement, be it Yoga, acrobatics, or dance.

Did you already booked?

Yoga with Jordis

Yoga, Acroyoga and Thai massage